The representation

Ex-voto in the form of a reliquary in ebony, glass door with silver lock and hinges. Built in Malta on the 24th of September 1798. Inside it there is the model of the vessel (nau) Rainha de Portugal, flagship of the fleet and, at the bottom, on parchment, the vote of the crews of the ships of the Royal Navy to Nª Srª dos Navegantes. It is a request for protection of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Admiral Marquês de Nisa, in the Mediterranean, between 1798 and 1800, which, in addition to the vessel Queen of Portugal, was composed by the ships Príncipe Real, Affonso d’Albuquerque and S. Sebastião and the frigate Benjamim.


Ebony, parchment, silver and glass

11,5 x 6 x 3,5